A bucket of wish list

Why does it call "a bucket of wish list"? Cause I have a lot of wishes for 2013. I don't expect all of my wishes will come true in 2013, I'll be happy though only most of it come true :)

And here we go :

  1. Find a new job. I'm going to quit my job by this month, and therefore I have to find a new one, and hopefully I will get a more more than the previous (still has no clue where or for what position should I apply)
  2. Puswood for 2013.. No, it's not a campaign. Of course I mean Puswood for Move'tivation 2013
  3. Save money (Geez, I have no money management at all)
  4. Make a fashion blog
  5. Be a fashionista (hahaha.. I'm not sure for this.. Being a fashionista and save money won't work together)
  6. Back to dance (this is doable)
  7. Get more and more friends
  8. Get a boyfriend.. Hahahah.. Not that I'm complaining, but I'll be 26 soon! Even my younger cousin will get proposed next month (she's 2 years younger than me)
  9. Hold a dance battle competition


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